Responsive controls

One thing you’ll quickly notice is that Media Chrome is not responsive out of the box. This is by design, there are way too many permutations possible to provide one configuration for a responsive media player. However media themes will be introduced soon that can provide responsive behavior by default.

There are different techniques available to make your Media Chrome controls responsive but we’ll keep it simple in this guide and make use of ResizeObserver and CSS classes.

Lets create a basic layout for our Media Chrome player.

  media-controller {
    display: block;
    aspect-ratio: 16 / 9;
  video {
    width: 100%;

That looks pretty good but the controls are static no matter the size of the player. Lets change that, for this exercise we’ll make a big center play button when the player width is smaller than 484px and only show the timerange at the bottom of the player.

Since we’re still waiting for CSS Container Queries to get wider adoption, this will require ResizeObserver to detect any size changes to the container of the player.

You might be tempted to use media queries for this but that solution will probably backfire because a media query listens to the browser viewport dimensions, not the player container dimensions.

  const breakpoints = { xs: 396, sm: 484, md: 576, lg: 768, xl: 960 };
  const resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(function (entries) {
    entries.forEach((entry) => {
      const classNames = getBreakpoints(breakpoints, entry.contentRect);

  function getBreakpoints(breakpoints, rect) {
    return Object.keys(breakpoints).filter((key) => {
      return rect.width >= breakpoints[key];

This little snippet will output the defined breakpoints as class names whenever the width of the player is smaller than the defined breakpoint.

Now it’s as simple as adding some CSS classes and CSS properties to hide and show controls based on the breakpoints.

  media-controller {
    display: block;
    aspect-ratio: 16 / 9;
  video {
    width: 100%;

  /* Hide most of the bottom controls on a tiny player. */
  media-controller:not(.sm) .bottom :not(media-time-range) {
    display: none;

  /* Hide the big center play button on a larger player. */ .center {
    display: none;
<media-controller id="mc2">
  <div class="center" slot="centered-chrome">
  <media-control-bar class="bottom">
  const breakpoints = { xs: 396, sm: 484, md: 576, lg: 768, xl: 960 };
  const mc = document.querySelector('#mc2');
  const resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(function (entries) {
    entries.forEach((entry) => {
      const classNames = getBreakpoints(breakpoints, entry.contentRect); = classNames.join(' ');

  function getBreakpoints(breakpoints, rect) {
    return Object.keys(breakpoints).filter((key) => {
      return rect.width >= breakpoints[key];

Responsive Media Chrome player

Section titled Responsive Media Chrome player

Try changing the size of the player embed below to see if the controls show and hide like expected.